Coffee Brown Bag Nicaragua 454g
sweet, ripe strawberries
BBCR developed an amazing direct trade relationship with Perdido Coffee in Nicaragua with the second release of the Coffee Origin Project. We are now pleased to have add their natural single origin coffee from Nicaragua as an exclusive offering to our lineup of specialty coffee.
Perdido Coffee is home to several Nicaraguans who help plant, grow and harvest specialty grade coffee. Surrounded by rolling green mountains, blanketed in sunshine and lush forests, the Perdido Coffee fincas are not your average coffee farms. Thanks to unique micro climates found at each Perdido finca or farm, coffees of 7 different varietals flourish under the watchful eye of owner/operator Gil Almeida and his incredible staff and partners. Perdido employees are fed, housed and payed higher than average wages. It is because of the care that goes into not only the coffee plants but also the Nicaraguans that live and work on both fincas, that Perdido Coffee is able to offer such a high quality coffee bean.
Perdido Coffee is made up of two very distinctive fincas: Finca El Cristal and Finca El Perdido.
Finca El Cristal sits high atop a mountain between 1100 and 1400 Meters Above Sea Level (MASL). It is a cooler, more unpredictable, and often windy and rainy farm. The cooler temperatures at higher elevation gives the coffee trees a longer growing season while the additional moisture contributes, in no small part, to growing a larger more flavourful coffee cherry that ripens slower than lower altitude cherries. A prime example would be the Anacafe species.
Finca El Perdido is situated between 700-900 MASL. It boasts old-growth hardwood trees and produces most of the natural and honey processed coffees amongst cascading mountain streams in a dense, humid jungle. The warmer humid climate is conducive to producing a sugary-sweet cherry around the coffee seeds. Varietals grown include (but are not limited to) Catimor, Caturra, and Catuai.
From farm to cup, we invite you to discover coffee from Perdido Coffee in Nicaragua. This coffee is sourced from Nicaragua