Coffee Brown Bag Ethiopia 454g
sweet blossoms
black tea
Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee and this is our take on a traditional medium roasted Ethiopian coffee. With an amazing bouquet of citrus blossoms, it has a surprisingly round body with amazing caramel notes that finish in a dry mouthfeel that leaves you wanting more.
The reason the coffee promotes these citrus and florals is primarily because of the terroir and dry climate. The cherries ripen faster due to higher temperatures and as a result promotes beautiful acidity in the cup (not to be confused with bitterness).
This particular roast is very well suited to manual and automated drip as well as immersion style brewing (french press, AeroPress).
As a medium roast, our Ethiopia single origin sits at 19 on the Roast Vision Scale and 76 on the Agtron Gourmet Colour Scale laid out by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA).
- Citrus and sweet blossoms with a smooth black tea-like finish
- Species: 100% Arabica
- Process: Washed, dried on raised beds
- Certification: None (Naturally Organic)
- Roast Level: 76 Agtron Gourmet, 19 Medium
- Brewing Recommendations: Drip, Immersion